California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) provided by The Gas Company and Southern California Edison. You may be eligible for a 20% discount on your gas bill at your primary residence.

Eligibility Requirements (All Must Be Met): -The gas and/or electric bill is in your name -No one else can claim you as a dependent on his/her Income Tax (other than your spouse) -Your total yearly household income (the income or aid received by all persons living in your home) — before deductions — is nor more than the income level shown below -You reapply for CARE every time you move -You renew your application for CARE every 2 years -You verify your eligibility for CARE, if requested -You notify The Gas Company and SCE within 30 days of any changes in your eligibility.

California Lifeline is a program of the California Public Utilities Commission. You may be eligible for reduced-rate on local Residential Telephone service through California Lifeline.

What is California Lifeline? California Lifeline provides discounted basic telephone (landline) services to eligible California households, with or without existing phone service, local telephone service at a reduced rate – approximately half the cost of regular local phone service.

Who can enroll in the program? Eligibility is based on the household size and income. 

How do I enroll? It is easy to enroll in California Lifeline by contacting your phone company or you can visit/call TODEC for more information.