About Us

Love and dreams of a better life inspire thousands of families to seek opportunity in California’s Inland Empire. First, the farmlands and now fields of warehouses provide ample jobs often filled by immigrants and folks of color. Yet these jobs fail to provide a family-sustaining wage or pathways to health and opportunity.
And now, our community is under attack. Because of our location less than 100 miles from the border, ICE maintains a constant, fear-inspiring presence in our towns targeting hard-working people and tearing families apart.

Despite these threats, we know our community is filled with beauty, passion, and power. TODEC mobilizes our community to build the political power we need to demand justice and advocate for our needs- improved schools, better jobs, cleaner water, accessible housing, access to medical coverage and legal protections. We transform fear and injustice into the power of people to stay resilient, connected and organized to fight back using our voices, our values and our votes.
TODEC’s mission is to empower disenfranchised immigrant communities to become economically, socially, educationally, and civically self-sufficient while enhancing individual self-esteem and community health. The overall purpose of TODEC is to ensure equitable access to information, immigration legal services, community education, advocacy, and civic engagement for limited and non-English speaking people including immigrants and migrant workers throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, and Imperial counties.