Our region is home to 250,000 legal permanent residents who are eligible to become citizens. #NaturalizeIE is TODEC’s campaign to give them the support and guidance they need to navigate the process and become civically engaged Americans. To date, TODEC has provided 300,000 new Americans with the support and assistance they needed to naturalize.

Our team provides:

– Legal Consultation and Screening

– Application Assistance

Legal Representation  (on a case-by-case basis)

– Study materials for the citizenship test

– Assistance in requesting a USCIS Fee Waiver

​- Assistance requesting Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions (if applicable)

Assistance is provided on a daily basis at our office locations and in workshops in different cities throughout the region.

Call us at ​(951) 943-1955 Ext #102 or # 105 to make an appointment or click here to register for an upcoming workshop near you.