COVID-19 Assistance for Undocumented Workers who have been laid off:  
Alivio Financiero Para Trabajadores Indocumentados Que Han Sido Despedidos.

Asistencia Financiera $600 – $2,100 en casos de Incendios Forestales para Inmigrantes. Para aplicar, favor de llamar 1-888-863-3291

Asistencia de $1,000 para Trabajadores Agricoles o de Procesamiento de Comida que viven en el Condado de Riverside. Para trabajadores que tienen COVID-19 o han sido expuestos al COVID-19 y tienen que estar en aislamiento. Para aplicar, porfavor de llamar 1-888-863-3291

Asistencia de $500 para Trabajadores del Campo que viven en el Valle de Coachella. Para aplicar, por favor de llamar 1-888-863-3291

DISASTER RELIEF ASSISTANCE FOR IMMIGRANTS (DRAI) PROJECT- THIS PROGRAM HAS CONCLUDED. The Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI) project is a one-time state-funded disaster relief assistance for undocumented adult immigrants impacted by COVID-19. An undocumented adult who qualifies can receive $500 in direct assistance, with a maximum of $1000 in assistance per household. Starting May 18th, if you are eligible to apply for this assistance, you may seek assistance with the nonprofit organization(s) assigned to your county of residency. The first step to start DRAI eligibility and application assistance process, Inland Empire applicants can call TODEC .  DRAI PROJECT INFORMATION 

USBG National Charity Foundation – Camareros/as, o esposo/a o hijos de camareros/as de bar, que están sufriendo una emergencia. Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. For bartenders, or the spouse or child of a bartender who have experienced an emergency hardship.

Another Round, Another Rally Emergency Assistance-  Trabajadores en hospitalidad, lavaplato, mesero, busser, chef, cocinero, sumiller, gerente,anfitrión, conserje, personal de limpieza o barback pueden aplicar.  For workers in the hospitality industry, dishwasher, bartender, server, busser, chef, cook, sommelier, manager, host, concierge, cleaning staff, or bar back may apply for funds.

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation -Asistencia de emergencia a los trabajadores de restaurantes y camareros/as y trabajadores de un proveedor de restaurantes. For emergency assistance for those employed by restaurants or bars or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier.

Farmworkers COVID-19  Pandemic Relief Fund -Trabajadores agrícolas.

UndocuScholars Relief Fund – Si usted es indocumentado o tiene familiares indocumentados y han sido afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19.

Techqueria – Undocumented persons / personas indocumentadas.

National Domestic Workers Alliance Coronavirus Care Fund – En este momento, la solicitud está abierta para las niñeras, trabajadoras de limpieza y trabajadoras de cuidado en el hogar que han participado en actividades de la Alianza Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar (la ANTH), sus capítulos, organizaciones afiliadas, círculos y usuarias actuales de Alia. Abriremos el Fondo para solicitudes de otras trabajadoras de hogar, tan pronto como la recaudación de fondos permita.

Network – Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund

Latinx Elder Mutual Aid – Para las personas Latinas/o/e/x mayores de 65 de edad que por lo general no tiene trabajo de pago por hora. Como son los vendedores ambulantes, limpiadores de casa, vendedores por catalogo, recolectores de botes, etc. $100-250 per family depending on funds collected and number of applicants

Root & Rebound Fund – Cualquier persona en California o Carolina del Sur que haya estado encarcelada anteriormente o haya sido afectada por el sistema criminal (incluyendo familiares o amigos de una persona con antecedentes penales) y necesite necesidades básicas.

Mission Asset Fund – Students, immigrants, and workers who are being left behind by the government’s response to COVID-19./ Estudiantes, inmigrantes y trabajadores quienes están siendo excluidos de la respuesta del gobierno a COVID-19.

Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) provides support to Californians whose immigration status disqualifies them from receiving benefits from Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP).

Supportive Services Program for COVID-19 Impacted Workers: Riverside County residents whose employment was affected by COVID-19 pandemic may receive up to $800 in assistance. (760) 863-2610 

Additional Resources and Important Information
Recursos Adicionales & Información Importante

California Low Cost Auto Insurance: If you have a valid driver’s license and drive a vehicle, the law requires that you have auto insurance. California’s Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance program is a state-sponsored program that makes auto insurance affordable, helping you drive responsibly and legally. Call 1-866-602-8861

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
COVID-19 and Public Charge
: All non-citizens should get the care they need. USCIS announced that testing, treatment and preventive care (including a vaccine if one becomes available) for COVID-19 will not be considered in the public charge test. These services will have no negative impact, even if such treatment is provided or paid for by one or more public benefits, as defined in the rule (e.g. federally funded Medicaid). These services also will not impact non-immigrants seeking an extension of stay or change of status.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
As of March 18, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has temporarily suspended routine in-person services through at least May 3 to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). USCIS staff will continue to perform mission critical duties that do not involve contact with the public. However, USCIS will provide emergency services for limited situations. To schedule an emergency appointment contact the USCIS Contact Center.

USCIS field offices will send re-scheduling notices to applicants and petitioners with scheduled appointments impacted by the closure. All applicants will be rescheduled when USCIS resumes normal operations. Please make sure USCIS has your current address; if your address has changed, you are required to update USCIS using Form AR-11, which can be submitted online.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on March 30, 2020 announced that it will reuse previously submitted biometrics/fingerprints in order to process valid Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, extension requests due to the temporary closure of Application Support Centers (ASC) to the public in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This announcement is consistent with existing USCIS authorities regarding the agency’s ability to reuse previously submitted biometrics.

Immigration Enforcement Activity 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released a statement describing its intention to “not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.” The statement also says that “Individuals should not avoid seeking medical care because they fear civil immigration enforcement.”

California Heat Wave
California and the rest of the West Coast will face a historic heatwave that will put pressure on our energy grid. In order to avoid electricity shortages, California is asking residents to reduce energy usage in order to prevent service interruptions.  It is especially important to limit energy usage from 3 pm to 10. pm.

California COVID-19 Disaster Relief Assistance 
On April 15,2020,  Governor Newsom announced one-time disaster relief assistance for undocumented Californians impacted by COVID-19, who are ineligible for most other forms of pandemic assistance, including direct assistance under the CARES Act and unemployment insurance. 
Eligible Californians may receive one-time COVID-19 disaster relief assistance at a value of $500. A limit of two adults per household can receive this assistance (maximum assistance of $1,000 per household).

Pandemic EBT – Get help buying food while schools are closed
Because schools are closed due to COVID-19, children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals can get up to $365 in food benefits in addition to their pick up meals from school. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT. Californian’s can visit to apply or call 1-877-847-3663 (FOOD) to be connected to their local county social service office.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act – Checks for Taxpayers
Under the new legislation, passed on Friday, March 27, many families could potentially receive financial assistance. The amount of financial assistance will vary based on an individual or family’s filing circumstances. For a complete breakdown of what individuals could receive, visit the IRS website for full details. 
Do immigrants qualify for the financial assistance? 

  • Immigrants with valid Social Security numbers and people who qualify as “resident aliens” will receive the checks. 
  • “Resident aliens”  are people who have green cards or people who can prove that they have been physically present in the United States long enough to establish “substantial presence,” as per U.S. tax law. 
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders should be able to qualify for the money because they are issued Social Security numbers. 
  • ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) users do not qualify. 
  • Mixed-Status Households: If anyone in the family (tax filers and their children) uses an ITIN rather than a Social Security number, or does not have a SSN, the family does not qualify for the relief payment. (The only exception would be if one spouse has a Social Security number and at least one spouse served in the military in the last 2019 tax year.) 

For complete details please visit the Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments portal on the IRS’s website.

California Earned Income Tax Credit
The California Earned Income Tax Credit is a cashback tax credit that puts money back in the pocket of hardworking Californians. Click here to see if you qualify.

California Eviction Moratorium Extended through September 30, 2020
The Governor ordered evictions halted through September 30, 2020. If your landlord is attempting to evict you for not paying rent and you took all of the above steps, contact a local legal aid provider and learn about your protections.

Protections for California Tenants
On April 7, 2020, following the Judicial Council of California’s emergency meeting, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra issued updated guidance to California tenants, encouraging them to learn about their rights if they will not be able to pay their full rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Attorney General encourages tenants to learn about their rights under the state Judicial Council’s April 6 emergency eviction rule, which expanded the statewide protections previously put in place by Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order at the end of March. For the full press release please visit the Attorney General’s website.

Riverside County Rental AssistanceTHIS PROGRAM HAS CONCLUDED.
The rental assistance is intended to cover 100 percent of total past due rent, up to $3,500 per household. Funding for the program is limited to cover past due rent from April 2020 to November 2020. Apply at: marque 211

San Bernardino County Rental Assistance
The rental, mortgage, and utilities assistance up to $800 for San Bernardino County residents. To apply, please call (909) 382-0440 or (909) 387-3911.

City of Perris Rental Assistance   (951) 943-5003 Ext 496   PerrisHousing@Cityof

City of Rialto Rental Assistance
For more information: (909) 820-2689

City of Riverside Rental & Utilities Assistance

City of Corona Rental Assistance
951-736-2260 or 951-736-2432

City of Coachella Rental, Mortgage, & Utilities Assistance
(760) 398-3502 (starting soon)

Listos California
The State of California is no stranger to the harsh reality of wildfire and other natural disasters. Far too often, the people and communities hit hardest by these disasters are those often missing or left out of preparedness activities and least equipped to deal with them and their lasting impacts. #StayHomeSaveLives to slow the spread of COVID-19. Let us use our time at home to prepare for future disasters like wildfire, earthquake and flood. Click to learn more ways to protect yourself and your family.

Real ID Act
The Department of Homeland Security is extending the REAL ID enforcement deadline beyond the current October 1, 2020 deadline to October 1, 2021. 

California DMV
Extensions for All Expiring Driver’s Licenses 
On 04/14/2020, the CA Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announced that they would be extending licenses for drivers younger than 70 that expire between March and May 2020 to be valid through May 31, 2020. The extensions require no individual action on the part of drivers. Eligible drivers will not receive a new card or an extension in the mail, but can request a free temporary paper extension online through DMV’s Virtual Field Officeto document their extension.

Healthcare Access and Testing for COVID-19  

If You Think You Are Sick –If you have traveled to an affected country within the last 60 days or if you have been in close contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19. Coronavirus symptoms include feeling like you have a fever, a new, dry cough, and shortness of breath. If your symptoms and exposure fit this description, First Call your doctor’s office or Dial 211 and describe your symptoms. Do not go into the doctor’s office without calling first.
Everyone, regardless of immigration status, is eligible for testing and treatment of communicable diseases, including coronavirus. 
COVID-19 testing and treatment is not considered a negative factor in the public charge analysis. See USCIS’ statement here.
COVID-19 testing is entirely free for anyone, regardless of health care coverage status or immigration status.
If you are enrolled in a health plan, it is important that you and your family get the care you need! If you are not insured and need medical care, you have other options:

  • See if you qualify for Medi-Cal (California’s public health insurance program) or a subsidized plan on Covered California.
  • Medi-Cal re-eligibility determinations have been waived through June 17.
  • Look for a public hospital or community health clinic near you with free or low-cost health care services (you can search this website for a center near you).
  • Some undocumented individuals are eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal. Currently, Medi-Cal covers testing at no cost.
  • To learn more about your health care coverage options, look here.

For more information on your legal health rights, see Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information by the Health Consumer Alliance, Protect Your Health by the Protecting Immigrant Families, and Access to Health Care for Immigrants by National Immigration Law Center.

San Bernardino COVID-19 Testing Locations:
San Bernardino County Testing Location Website (909) 387-3911

County of Riverside COVID-19Testing Locations:
Riverside County Testing Location Website    (800) 945-6171

Cash and Food Assistance (Food Banks, CalWORKS, WIC, and CalFresh)

Food Banks: Riverside & San Bernardino County 

  • See if you or your children qualify for CalWORKS, a cash assistance program with other services, or CalFresh, food and nutrition services, so that you can get supplemental assistance during this time.
  • Unfortunately, most undocumented immigrants, TPS recipients, and DACA recipients generally are not eligible for CalFresh or CalWORKS, but there are exceptions.
  • Even if you don’t qualify due to your immigration status, your children may qualify if they are US citizens or have lawful status. These benefits could help your family during this time.
  • Re-eligibility determinations for those who currently receive CalWORKS and/or CalFresh benefits have been waived through June 17.
  • You do not have to provide your immigration status if you are undocumented and are applying for these benefits for your children or family member.
  • Only the person seeking benefits must provide their citizenship or immigration status. If you are applying on behalf of an eligible family member, such as your child, you only need to share the information for that family member. If you are undocumented and apply for a family member, you should not provide any information about your immigration status. Instead, you can say, “I am not applying for health insurance for myself.”
  • California WIC Nutrition Program (Women, Infants, and Children).

List of Food Banks in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Coachella Valley Food Pantries & Food Assistance

Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants

(CAPI) provides support to Californians whose immigration status disqualifies them from receiving benefits from Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP). 

School Meals
Even though most K-12 schools have closed, many school districts will continue providing meals Monday through Friday for any child, regardless of free or reduced eligibility or school of attendance. Meals are typically provided in a drive-through format and children must be present in order for meals to be provided. Citizenship and immigration status does not affect eligibility for school meals. Please visit the school district website for any announcements or information about school meals during school closures.

Housing Assistance and Information

On March 16, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions for renters and homeowners, slows foreclosures, and protects against utility shutoffs for Californians affected by COVID-19, effective until May 31 unless extended. Many cities have implemented local ordinance that expand on tenant protections, please call your city and ask them to implement local ordinance that expand protections for COVID-19 impacted residents.

Homeowners,  If you have been impacted by COVID-19, please contact your mortgage or banking institutions and inform them.  Many financial institutions have implemented relief programs to assist their clients.

Tenants,If you have been impacted by COVID-19, please email or mail a certified letter to your landlord notifying them that you have been impacted by COVID-19. Sample letters in our COVID-19 resource publication library above.

Protections for Tenants
In California, a landlord may not force a tenant to leave the rental unit without written notices and a court order. A three-day notice simply starts a process that may well take over a month to finish. Do not believe a landlord who is threatening immediate action.

Housing Assistance Regional Agencies

Riverside County Rental Assistance
The rental and mortgage assistance is intended to cover rent or utilities.  Funding for the program is limited on a rolling basis. Apply at: o marque 211

San Bernardino County Rental Assistance
The rental, mortgage, and utilities assistance for San Bernardino County residents. To apply, or call (909) 327-3187 or 211 and choose extension 5

City of Perris Rental Assistance   (951) 943-5003 Ext 496   PerrisHousing@Cityof

City of Rialto Rental Assistance
For more information: (909) 820-2689

City of Riverside Rental & Utilities Assistance

City of Corona Rental Assistance
951-736-2260 or 951-736-2432

City of Coachella Rental, Mortgage, & Utilities Assistance
(760) 398-3502  (starting soon)

​Utility, Phone, & Internet Assistance & Information

Please contact your utility companies and inform them that you have been impacted by COVID-19. Utility companies have implemented COVID-19 relief programs to assist their clients.

Riverside County Rental Assistance
The rental assistance is intended to cover 100 percent of total past due rent, up to $3,500 per household. Funding for the program is limited to cover past due rent from April 2020 to November 2020. Apply at: o marque 211

San Bernardino County Rental Assistance
The rental, mortgage, and utilities assistance up to $800 for San Bernardino County residents. To apply, please call (909) 382-0440 or (909) 387-3911.

City of Perris Rental Assistance   (951) 943-5003 Ext 496   PerrisHousing@Cityof

City of Rialto Rental Assistance
For more information: (909) 820-2689

City of Riverside Rental & Utilities Assistance

City of Corona Rental Assistance
951-736-2260 or 951-736-2432

City of Coachella Rental, Mortgage, & Utilities Assistance
(760) 398-3502 (starting soon)

Worker Rights & Benefits

Unemployment Insurance

Contact Department of Labor: 1-866-924-9757

Paid Sick Leave

  • If your employer provides paid sick leave, and you cannot work due to having or being exposed to COVID-19, as certified by a medical professional, you can use your accrued paid sick leave to continue being paid for the time you miss work. You may also be eligible for Disability Insurance (see below).
  • Your employer should provide you with the number of paid sick days you have accrued.
  • Citizenship and immigration status does not affect eligibility for paid sick leave.

California State Disability Insurance (SDI)

  • If you cannot work due to having or being exposed to COVID-19, as certified by a medical professional, you may be able to file a Disability Insurance (DI)
  • Citizenship and immigration status does not affect eligibility for DI.
  • California has waived the usual one-week unpaid waiting period for people missing work due to coronavirus. You can collect DI payments for the first week you are out of work.

California State Paid Family Leave (PFL)

  • If you cannot work because you are caring for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19, as certified by a medical professional, you may be able to file a Paid Family Leave (PFL) claim.
  • Citizenship and immigration status does not affect eligibility for PFL.
  • PFL does not have a waiting period for benefits.
  • If eligible, you can receive PFL payments for up to 6 weeks.

Workers’ Compensation

  • If you are unable to do your usual job because you contracted COVID-19 during the regular course of your work, you may be able to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits such as temporary disability payments or medical treatment.
  • Citizenship and immigration status does not affect eligibility for workers’ compensation.

Immigration Legal Assistance 
Counties of Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, and Inyo
TODEC Legal Center remains open and has free immigration legal assistance on a case-to-case basis to California low-income residents. 

Click link to find California organizations that provide free Immigration Legal Assistance.

Riverside County Department of Public Social Services
Virtual Assistance Customer Service Line 1-877-410-8827

San Bernardino County Department of Public Social Services
Virtual Assistance Customer Service Line 1-877-410-8829

Inland Region Embassies
Consulado de Mexico en San Bernardino 
Consulado de Guatemala en San Bernardino

Elections & Voter Information
California Elections Information
Register to Vote Online
Riverside County Registrar of Voters
San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters

Census 2020
Census 2020 is here! In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it is still crucial to complete the census to make sure your community is accurately counted and receives the resources it needs. Some households are now receiving census forms via postal mail from the Census Bureau containing a unique 12-digit Census ID.
Census participation takes roughly 10 minutes and can easily be completed:

  1. Online by visiting (Support in various languages)
  2. Over the phone by calling 844-330-2020 (Support in various languages)
  3. Returning by mail the paper questionnaire containing your unique 12-digit Census ID

**Please continue to check back as we are adding available resources.